2 years back, i have posted a post about How to make use of RSS Feed.
Sometime, I find it difficult to get the RSS link for the newspaper in their official site,
therefore I decided to create a summarize for some of the rss feed i have created and also collected:
星洲日报 Sin Chew Jit Poh
Non Official Local News : http://page2rss.com/rss/18a1a4b08d3a5deac2c11c9edeb2d654
Non Official International News : http://page2rss.com/rss/38d0a95a27fee790e5ce118a8a3a5992
Non Official Supplement Article : http://page2rss.com/rss/9411af1dc9b81f6866c040b5c7a424e2
中国报 China Press
Non-Official RSS : http://www.feed43.com/7424178541750261.xml (Customized XML by me, update interval time: Every 6 hours)
For some reason, i not able to split it into international news and local news..
东方日报 Oriental Daily
Non-Official RSS : http://www.feed43.com/7311055030262324.xml (Customized XML by me, update interval time: Every 6 hours)
独立新闻在线 Merdeka Review
Official RSS : http://www.merdekareview.com/rss.php
光华日报 Kwong Wah
Official RSS :http://www.kwongwah.com.my/?feed=rss2
The Star (Most comprehensive RSS supported )
Nation: http://thestar.com.my/rss/nation.xml
Business : http://thestar.com.my/rss/business.xml
Sports : http://thestar.com.my/rss/sports.xml
Technology : href="http://thestar.com.my/rss/technology.xml
World Updates : href="http://thestar.com.my/rss/worldupdates.xml
Columnists : http://thestar.com.my/rss/columnists.xml
Opinion : http://thestar.com.my/rss/opinion.xml
Lifestyle - Bookshelf : http://thestar.com.my/rss/lifebookshelf.xml
Lifestyle - Parenting : http://thestar.com.my/rss/lifeparenting.xml
Lifestyle - Living : http://thestar.com.my/rss/lifeliving.xml
Lifestyle - Focus : http://thestar.com.my/rss/lifefocus.xml
Lifestyle - Health : http://thestar.com.my/rss/health.xml
Lifestyle - Arts and Fashion : http://thestar.com.my/rss/lifearts.xml
Lifestyle - Travel and Adventure : http://thestar.com.my/rss/lifetravel.xml
Entertainment - Video : http://thestar.com.my/rss/video.xml
Entertainment - Sound and Stage : http://thestar.com.my/rss/soundnstage.xml
Entertainment - Music : http://thestar.com.my/rss/music.xml
Entertainment - Movies : http://thestar.com.my/rss/movies.xml
Entertainment - TV and Radio : http://thestar.com.my/rss/tvnradio.xml
Metro - Central : http://thestar.com.my/rss/central.xml
Metro - North : http://thestar.com.my/rss/north.xml
Metro - South and East : http://thestar.com.my/rss/southneast.xml
Most Viewed - Nation : http://thestar.com.my/rss/mostview/nation.xml
Most Viewed - Business : http://thestar.com.my/rss/mostview/business.xml
Most Viewed - Sports : http://thestar.com.my/rss/mostview/sports.xml
Most Viewed - Entertainment : http://thestar.com.my/rss/mostview/entertainment.xml
440Hz : http://thestar.com.my/rss/440hznews.xml
440Hz - Reviews : http://thestar.com.my/rss/440hzreviews.xml
440Hz - Features : http://thestar.com.my/rss/af440hz_features.asp
AudioFile : http://thestar.com.my/rss/afnews.xml
AudioFile - Reviews : http://thestar.com.my/rss/afreviews.xml
AudioFile - Features : http://thestar.com.my/rss/affeature.xml
Note: If the rss feed that customized by me is not working anymore, feel free to leave your comment here and i will try to fix it. This might happen if the design of the webpage has changed from time to time.
18-March-2009 : Add "Non-Official RSS Supplement Article" Requested by JChan 18-03-2009
18-March-2009: Add "Official RSS links from Sin Chew, removed unofficial Sin Chew rss's url, thanks to SinX information"
01-Nov-2011 : Removed the official sinchew rss url because SinChew no longer support it
25-October 2015: Updated Kwong Wah's rss link. I personally do not maintain this page anymore, any request you can post in the comment section, no guarantee will get the updated link.
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要找星洲日报及中国报的rss feed,
海角说的对。 IT高手 。 ^^
呵呵, 不知有没有副刊的rss feed呢?
i already created the 星洲日報/ 副刊 rss, here is the link
sorry.. may i know what is Rss???
RSS Feed is actually used by user for update notification.
For example...if i have 10 friends have blogs, it is impossible for me to visit their blogs since not everyone update their blog everyday...
What i can do is i get their blogs's rss url, and then put into a rss feeder (reader) such as www.igoogle.com or www.netvibes.com , then from one screen i will able to know whether their blog has any new update or not.
hi, is it have to sign up for google user? i have open the igoogle... but cant see the rss feeder le//..
yes, you need to have an gmail account to login into igoogle, it has few steps to click,
give me few more days,
i try to create one small tutorial about how to import RSS into igoogle.
In the meanwhile, if you interested to use RSS in www.netvibes.com
you can refer back to my old post
For 星洲日报, there is always a rss feed come togather with the news list. You can grab the feed easily by using IE7 or Firefox. Just notice the rss icon at the toolbar or near the address bar. I think Chrome has left out this feature.
It's true, they should at least learn from theStar on how organize their feeds.
I already updated the links accordingly, if you didnt tell me about this, i also won't notice about Sin Chew's official RSS, it is better from official link due to no-delay approach..thanks again.
post 在 jobsdb 或 jobstreet,
hi hi...Thanks,
besides, do u know how to recover my delete file which i had accidentally empty my recycle bin???
You can try to download this software
"Recuva" from http://www.recuva.com/
This is a freeware,
you can try it...
One of the weakness is it doesn't follow the original filename.
For example, if i have a file called "MyPersonalPhoto.jpg",
when try to search it, it might become "DSC10334.jpg"
It would be better just recover all the file out first, then only check one by one.
If the result too little, you can try to use the "DEEP Scan" option...it would take some time to finish...
oh my god.. coz last few month, i had accidentally delete the photo.. then when i open the recycle bin, i cannot open the file...then i delete it already.since so long time, i also forget whether i have delete the recycle bin or not. haiz...
so until now. i also dunno what to do.
you can try to use the software to see whether able to recover it or not. If you say it is few months back, chance of recover back is relatively low...it depends on luck
Anyway, it is always good to have a set of backup. I personally do backup every weeks to my external hard disk. Just in case if my current desktop hard disk KO one day, i still have the backup...
Some people feel it is troublesome task, it happened to me my new hard disk which just used 6 months, and it spoil without any sign. All the data unable to recover, the hard disk physically damage internally...
Since then, i forced myself to do weekly backup, especially for photos, and other important datas...in addition, nowaday the external hdd's price is very cheap ...
i m downloading now
hi hi, i had finish download the software, after finished, i click "Recuva Installer" but it appears the msg like this :
" Installer integrity check has failed. Common cause include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy"
So, who is the installer wo? haha....
i think the file corrupted,
try to redownload again...I tried to download and it able to run.
if still file corrupted, i afraid is tmnet connection problem or...your pc got affected by virus...then it might be better to use some antivirus to scan your pc...
Installer is another name for setup。
it is not a person, it is a name for the software installer.
hi hi... finally i can download the software.. it can recover some files but not the file that i lost on few months ago..haha..
Anyway, really thanks a lot ;)
have a nice day
I was looking for RSS news feed in Chinese, I have Microsoft and MyCen news feed... while searching, I found your page - YSLim's long story. It saves a lot of time for me. THANK YOU, Mr. Lim for sharing these.
Hi! You are welcome.
Appreciate it.
the official rss seem not updated from Sin Chew after Chinese New Year. Any idea whether Sin Chew stop it already?
星洲日报 Sin Chew Jit Poh
Official News : http://www.sinchew.com.my/rss.xml
Official Local News : http://www.sinchew.com.my/taxonomy/term/1/0/feed
Official International News : http://www.sinchew.com.my/taxonomy/term/2/0/feed
Official Supplement Article : http://www.sinchew.com.my/taxonomy/term/3/0/feed
it seems like their rss feeder having some technical issue, you can email to their IT department to verify it. In the meantime while waiting, you can still use
Sin Chew Local News : http://www.feed43.com/8844777728155173.xml (Update interval time: Every 6 hours)
Sin Chew International News : http://www.feed43.com/2623451676283872.xml (Update interval time: Every 6 hours)
Sin Chew Supplement Article : http://www.feed43.com/3071515527754202.xml (Update interval time: Every 6 hours)
Hi Lim,
Do you mind to share with us how you get the image of each rss entries? I'm having difficulty with some having image and some not...
Hi ximmone,
It is normal. If you visit to
you will notice some of the post doesn't attached thumbnail image.
what i meant is how did you configure it to show it onto feed43?
我是用ubs (理帐系统)要加入星洲的RSS 我把你给的http://www.feed43.com/3071515527754202.xml paste进去 但是看不见也 怎么会这样呢?
我是用ubs (理帐系统)要加入星洲的RSS 我把你给的http://www.feed43.com/3071515527754202.xml paste进去 但是看不见也 怎么会这样呢?
Hi May,
I have just updated the new rss urls for Sin Chew...you can try it again.
可以看见了 非常感谢你!
光华日报的rss link 失效了。请问官方不再更新rss了是吗?谢谢
Hi Jet Ooi,
They have changed their website structure.
You cna try this url
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