ya...i know i am not the first one got invitation, there are few million of peoples got it...but still feel very happy about it.
After tried it....feel a bit disappointed about the functionality. Well, it comes with the perfact drag and drop feature, but then...at the same time, it doesnt really stable yet...
one of my friend's email not able to be view and shows the error message.

I tried to use Microsoft Office Outlook to view it, that email can be open.....but somehow in the Window Live Mail is......
In addition, it did crash my IE suddenly once...I just used for few minutes...
well...well...just wait and see...it still need a lot of improvement.
One thing i like in it is the Right click button! in different surface the right click will be displayed different menu features...
The speed is one of the concern.....a bit slow lo...I am using ADSL la! dun think abt the 56K user...maybe i would prefer it to hav the feature to have the function that switch simple and advance mode..